Sunday, February 10, 2013

A Busy Day!!!!!

Today, was quite a busy day formy family! First thing in the morning we had to prepare for going to my grandpa's birthday party at my cousin's house. While my mom was packing, and my dad was taking a shower, I thought that I could prepare a robot to show to my grandpa, family, and family friends! I already had a robot built, so I just had to program it. (My dad programmed it with me before taking his shower.) Programming a LEGO Mindstorms robot is pretty easy. If you don't know what a LEGO Mindstorms robot is then you have acouple of options: 1.Go on youtube and look it up. 2.Go to anoher one of my blog posts called "A FINE Snow Day" and read it. (Provided with a good explanation! :)) Anyway, after I programmed it a couple of trials, It was good enough to be presented, and I too took a shower and got ready for the party. After 3-4 hours, we departed my cousins house and headed back home. We got there, and I went on the tredmill for 2 minutes, until my brother came and disturbed me along with my mom and dad.( Hint: My brother is only 1 1/2 years old. so I can't possibly let im near it as all tredmill instructions say.) Then, my dad said that he's going to get my new laptop, so he set of to do that. After that, I was dreadfully tired, so I decided to watch some soothing evening television to calm the mind. after about 30 minutes of it, I notice that my dad brings in the new laptop. I got excited and went to where he sat to watch him set it up. After a while of setting up, He finally gave it to me, and that is exactly why I am blogging this post on it right now, on the new laptop! So, basically that is the busy day that I had today, and boy am I tired, so I just feel like brushing my teeth, going to bed, and drifting off into a warm, deep, sleep. (Snore).......(snore)............ ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzz......ZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

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